Call of Dragon update, "Root of War", New artifact, Celestial battle ground event and many more. Everything you need to Know!

There are plenty of new features, game mode and new graphic designs added to the new 1.0.17 update by Call of dragon team.

1.New Graphic 

If you have logged into the game after the update starded you will firstly see that your city has a new look. Its more detailed but previous one was a little better. And the game UI are better than before.

2.Event Calander and Celestial battle Ground 

At last, after a long wait a event Callander has been added to the game. For now, it's only showing events which are going to take place in a week, but it would have been better if it could show the events occurring in a month. 

In celestial battle ground, players have to take down 10 waves of incoming enemies. These enemies gain buffs at the start of each round. And players will be rewarded extra points for clearing the stage within time limit. Placing high in the rank will also give you high rewards.

3.New Artifact

The damage factor is insane plus it immobilizes the targeted legion which makes it very powerful and the 15% haste for 10 sec is not a joke. But Is this the best Artifact? I don't think so because there are better artifacts than this like for an example Shadow blade which does 3600 damage to 5 legions and goldcrest does 2800 damage to one legion. But if you use Ffraegar than it could be a good option for you but if you don't use Ffraegar then I don't think you have to use it. But for PvP Multiple target artifact would be much better than single target artifact.

4.War Pet (sneak peek)

For now, there has not been anything said about war pet and it was not in the first update so we could assume it will be coming soon in the next update. But i think it's for the spenders only. The wars pets could be like you could take them to open field fights and they help in the fight, or they could give special buffs to the legions. But whatever it be war pet would be a very fun thing to be added to the game. 

5.Alliance Improvements

There has been many new improvements made to make it easy for Alliance leader or Alliance officers to find out whats going on in the alliance. 

  • Alliance Leaders and Officers can now edit their Alliance's recruitment info through the Alliance Management screen and share it to chat channels, allowing other players to see more about your Alliance and apply to join.
  • Added Alliance Logs, providing information about major events, membership changes, and battles.
  • When Alliance Members have been offline for over three days, Alliance Leaders and Officers will receive a notice about their inactivity through the mail.

6.Other new features or improvements 

  • Added a reset feature for the policy. Now you don't have to change region to reset policy there is a dedicated option where you could reset policy. But you could only do it once every 30 days.
  • Changed Seasonal Custom Tokens. If a Hero is a Generation 1 Hero, you may exchange G1 or higher Custom Tokens for that Hero's Token. Current Available G1 Heroes: Nika, Garwood, Emrys, Madeline, Nico, Bakshi, Thela, Kinnara, Velyn. Current Available G2 Heroes: Ffraegar, Syndrion
  • Beginning with Season 1+ "Stars Reignited", you will not beeble to attack other players for 48 hours after the Season begins. This includes PvP, attacking Cities, attacking Resource Points, and destroying buildings. 

7."Root of War" The new Campaign Mode

It is a 30 vs 30 Alliance mode. Players will be matched against an Alliance of identical power, with the goal of capturing buildings, capture Lifestone, gathering resources, and defeating their opponents in order to collect points for themselves and their Alliance. The winner will be the Alliance with the most points. After the battle ends, wounded Legions are automatically fully healed, and rewards are obtained based on players’ individual performances. 

Features of Root of War:

  • Fight for control of the Lifestone in huge 30vs30 team battles!
  • Discover a region with different landscapes that changes your team's tactics.
  • Fight your way through the fog of war enveloping the battlefield or hide in wait within it!
  • Unleash powerful Artifact Skills to wreak havoc on the enemy!

  • How to register or join in root of war.

    • You should be in the top 20 Alliance in the server in power ranking and you must have at least 10 alliance flags by the time registration opens.
    • If you want to take part in root of war, make sure to join an alliance before the registration starts because once it starts you can only see teams that are going to play but you would not be able to take part.
    • when registration ends you would not be able to change the team because it would be locked So if want to change the team do it before registration ends.

    Player management and eligibility:

    • Only Alliance leader or Alliance Officer can choose 30 combatants and 10 substitutes for their team.
    • Player city hall must be 16 or above.

    How to play root of war?

    There are three phases of the Battle.

    1) Preparation phase

    The players from both teams are spawn in an outpost of their own in the battlefield which is in the two sides near the flag of each alliance. They would have three minute to put alliance marker, make tactics and move to the position assigned. You can also start farming resources for the alliance in the outpost area.

    2) Battle Phase

    In this phase you battle with each other to capture as much building you could to get points. The more points you get the advantage of winning you will have. life stone gives the most point out of other building.

    3)End Phase 

    In end phase Scores will be Calculated and the alliance with highest score wins.

    What does each Building Do?

    1.Life Stone

    In Roots of War, there are 3 Lifestone Pedestals placed across the battlefield. Periodically, Lifestone will appear at one of the Pedestals, and both teams must fight to obtain it. Deliver Lifestone to one of your team's buildings or a neutral building to score a large amount of points.

    When Lifestone is delivered, it will respawn sholay afterwards. Each time Lifestone is successfully delivered, the number of points granted by its next successful delivery increases. Il you deliver Lifestone to a Lunambrite Pool, it will be dropped there and can be picked up by other players. If you deliver Lifestone to a Safe Zone, it will respawnet its original Lifestone Pedestal shortly afterwards without granting your team points.


    The Halls of the Elven Kingdom stand mightily among the forests of the Queenswood, a symbol of the splendor of the holy wellspring of Ffynon. Occupying a Hall grants your Alliance a large number of points.

    3.Tree of courage

    The Tree of Courage grew from the seeds of Pren Hynafol, the Ancient Tree. Neither time nor adversity has wiskened its mighty bark. Occupy the Tree of Courage to increase the ATK and DEF of all your team members.

    4.Tree of Healing

    The Tree of Healing grew from the seeds or Pren Hynafol, the Ancient Tree. Its delicate leaves, imbued with the mercy of nature, are used to relieve pain. Occupy the Tree of Healing to increase Elixir Production Speed and Legion HP for all members of your team.


    Outposts have long stood throughout Elven lands, bearing witness to flowing rivers, migrating birds rustling leaves, and marching soldiers. As night falls and the moon's light grows dim, their gentle light guides travelers onward. Occupying an Outpost expands your Alliance's field of view, as well as granting a small number of points.

    6.Lunambrite pool

    Elk can often be found resting by Lunambrite Pools. The pool's gentle waters nourish nearby vegetation, causing them to grow solid stems which bear Lunambrit instead of flowers. When the moon shines down upon them, Lunambrite Pools shimmer with a gentle blue light, and their waters impart a effect when imbibed.

    In Roots of War, deploying Legions to gather from Lunambrite
    Pools grants points to both you and your Alliance; however, your Legion must return to your camp arter gathering in order for these points to be added to your score. Lunambrite Pools can be emptied by gathering from them Pools are refilled 3 times during the course of the battle.

    How is healing done in Root of War?

    • Units cannot die, but they can be wounded.
    • Wounded units are send to Druid Hut for Healing.
    • There is no capacity on how much it could heal in Druid Hut.
    • Wounded units can be healed by selecting Elixer healing or Resource healing.

    Can you use Behemoths in Root of war and how?

    Yes, you could use Behemoth in root of war. Both alliance can summon a behemoth to the battlefield 3 times. Only the beast master can summon Behemoth. The behemoth will appear in beast master camp. An alliance can only summon 1 behemoth at a time.

    How hero's and Artifact works in root of war?

    When you enter root of war you could activate battle sync which will make all your heroes to max level which will only take place in root of war. you could also change talent trees of heroes in battle sync.
    Likewise, as battle sync is activated all artifact will be max level. It won't affect artifact skill point or star rating for the main game. The artifact equipped in the main game will also be equipped in root of war.

    Will your Policy boost be active in Root of war?

    No, the policy boost will not be applied in root of war. However, there are certain buff which are applicable:



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